The mediaSPOT was the media-focused computer lab at Georgia Perimeter College (now known as Georgia State's Perimeter College). The mediaSPOT offered state-of-the-art facilities to assist students in the creation of their media projects. There, students could create, edit and share short films, podcasts, music, and more. The mediaSPOT was outfitted with every item the student could need for any of these tasks including allowing students to check out camera and multimedia equipment. The staff was comprised of media professionals who worked together to meet the student's project needs.
In my role as a Digital Media Assistant at the mediaSPOT, my main duties were to assist students with technical issues and manage equipment reservations and checkouts. However, because of my background, I was also tasked with creating print and digital media that would help advertise the mediaSPOT as well as assist in its organization, leading workshops to help students looking to learn more about the software and providing general maintenance to the computers and equipment.
Shown here are just a few of the items I created for the mediaSPOT.